Wednesday, May 6, 2009

i think about scribbling... a lot.

Howdy Blogger world! 
Wouldn't you know but I started my blogger site back in November but got frustrated when I found I couldn't transfer it automatically to myspace, - but now I really kinda hate myspace, so I'm back. Hello. I love you, or so I'm going to try to to.
really, it's been a while since I posted a random free flowing blog that wasn't about saving the world or be bitching about some design thing. And, not that I can't guarantee that I'll do that here or not, but this is just a little post to check in an say hi. To let you know how life is and what is keeping me busy and what thoughts have been occupying my mind recently. I originally wrote this last Friday, May First, but I'm being lazy and going back and making entries I should have made forever ago.

One of the things that have been filling my head recently are scribbles. You know, hand drawn lines. I've seen a massive trend recently in the hand made mark and not only is the inconsistency appealing and warm, but it's a nice break from the coldness and preciseness that lines drawn on a computer have. Here are some examples:

Poster Designs


this journal and wallpaper pattern by Julia Rothman


Stumptown coffee brewing guide


this t-shirt I own from Seattle's Wonder Thunder 



Another thing is damn facebook quizzes. While some are cute, informative and funny... some are downright dumb. I DO admit, I will occasionally do them. Yes, I want to know what HHS student I am (jenn levo), I want to know my true nationality (German), what Portland neighborhood I live in (Inner SE)... and of course, what font I am (Helvetica).... but really, I will limit the amount of them that I do. Sadly though, ... some people do not have any self control. What Cosby kid are you? What's your true birth sign? What infectious disease are you? Really, if you are the type of person who takes every quiz that comes down your happy facebook path, I will probably delete you from my feed because I don't want to know what Grey's Anatomy character you are. No offense.


As well, as the warmer weather comes, so does softball season and outdoor soccer season! Wahoo! My softball team did a little switcharoo from last year and while we are no longer "The Rocket" the essential team, give or take a few folks, is still all here and we now go by the amazingly awesome name of the Brewhers. We got sponsored by Rouge Breweries, Katie OBrein's Bar, and some reality company to lessen the fees and quench our thirsty post game pallets. As a team, last year we got to a really slow start but once we picked up momentum we were a force to be reckoned with. I pretty much expect that to be the same case this year. So far we've had some glittering moments and then we've had a few moments we'd like to forget. Speaking of moment's we'd like to forget. My clock was cleaned last night during a soccer game with my new team the DEBS. I was on a rush to the goal when two girls pretty much tackled me and i went down HARD. Today, I'm a little hobbily mess that's sitting at work with their leg propped up on a trash can and wrapped with ice. It's no big incident, no cause for alarm, it just hurts. Thats all. 


Oh, so get this, last sunday while out last night with some of my friends, we decided to go to another random part of town to eat sushi. I walked into the joint and I hear from a table near me as I'm sitting down someone yell "LEVO!"... I turned around and waved, said hi, exchanged pleasantries, but for the life of me could not figure out who in the hell it was. 

As my cohorts poured over the sushi menu, I searched my brain. Who in the world could this be? Did I play a sport with her? Was she a friend of the kid I house sat for in January? She was really young after all... Does this person even live here or is she visiting? So, I narrowed it down: given the apparent young age of the girl, and the apparent jewishness of the other girl who was with her, and the fact that she yelled LEVO!!! I figured it was a camper from the jewish summer camp I worked at in MAINE for five summers. But the last summer I was there was almost three summers ago, it's been so long. What are the chances that someone from Camp Tap would be out here in some little dive sushi bar in Portland? 

So, I thought long and hard and suddenly it came to me, WOW...I knew who it was! I assumed she was probably in town for some fencing thing or checking out colleges cause that's the only way any sixteen year old from NYC would be out here. So, feeling assured I knew who it was, I went over and chit chatted. Sure enough, it was who I thought it was and yes... she and her family had flown in from NYC to PDX for a fencing tournament. It blew my friggin mind! I couldn't wrap my head around it for the remainder of the night. Anyways, It was nice to talk and catch up and better yet, her dad gave us their massive plate of leftover sushi. 

Small small world indeed. I can't go anywhere without running into people I know. Especially Tapawingo people. It's a proven fact that if two Tapawingo people are in close proximity to each other, they will find each other. It's like this weird random homing sonar thing. Speaking of Tapawingo, now is about the time I get the jonsin in my bones to want to return. I think I miss it most when the mornings are cool and crisp like they have been here in Portland recently. The smell of the air that will soon warm with the strength of the sun reminds me of waking up among the pines, with the morning sun coming through my window, lacing up my shoes and going out for a jog. These days, that jog is replaced with a bike ride to work and days spent buried deep in photo chemicals in the camp darkroom are replaced with the steady glare and glow of the computer screen. Yeah, summer has changed over the years for me... but I love what I do now and I love where I live and honestly, it would take a lot for me to return and have things be the same. For even though everything at camp changes, a lot doesn't, but I have changed a lot since then too. 


Okay, well... that's all for today. It's the first day of May and it's simply stunning outside here in most fantastic Portland Oregon. I've got a great weekend of backyard grill outs, cornhole, surfing at the coast, beer pong, softball games, and hanging out to do. I'll leave you with this nice little video from the folks at VW and Nick Drake. It makes me want to enjoy the warm weather and spend it outside with my friends... letting it all soak in.

Have a great weekend everyone.

(originally posted May 1, 2009)

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