Friday, November 13, 2009

don't think I haven't noticed....

Recently, I've come across some recent design trends that are too similar to not notice.

I don't know what it is, but people are loving simple one color animal figure designs. I mean, personally I'm one of them too - in fact, I personally draw them and use them in my own illustration, but don't think I haven't picked up on other people being fans too.

For example:

(I'll give bonus points for anyone who can name one of these designers, trick question.)

Has any one else noticed that The Gap, when advertising their latest campaign for "America's Best Fitting Jeans" happened to use helvetica set against white. Just like another company that is famous for black helvetica text on white. And, seeing how both texts start with a capital "A" - don't think that they didn't think about that too. I guess they're slugging it out for who can be more classically American when it comes to fashion.

Gap ad:

American Apparel ad:

Lastly, speaking of the Gap, it's official, plaid is back. Not that I haven't said it before, but basically if The Gap is claiming it in their holiday ads, you know you're gonna see it peppered through out your winter season for the next year or so. That's just how these things work. So, while your inner lumberjack is rejoicing this season, tell your inner sailor to get ready for the summer as I'm predicting horizontal stripes as the next distinguishable fashion trend which never really goes away, it just kinda morphs from one thing into the next. Thereby, ships ahoy...scan your closets and get ready to wear stripes to the beach next summer.

1 comment:

  1. I was actually at The Gap yesterday buying little boys sweaters for myself. The joys of being small. There was a lot of plaid but there was also horizontal striped sweaters and argyle sweaters.

    btw...The Gap has a 30% off coupon for the weekend. You can have all the plaid you want.
