Hey there... it's been a busy January thus far (well today is the last day of it actually) but I just wanted to take a few moments to make a special photo post in honor of my dog, Anna, as today I celebrate seven years together. She was actually born somewhere near October 31st, but it's just easier to celebrate it on her adoption day of January 31st rather than on Halloween.
On this day seven years ago, I left my friend Emily's birthday party down in Beaufort, South Carolina to drive out to Hunting Island for a walk. I had been thinking about getting a dog for a while, but the idea was cemented upon seeing everyone and their dogs walking along the beach. So... I decided on my way home to Savannah, to swing by the Beaufort County Humane Society Animal Shelter. There weren't many dogs in the shelter that sunday... but the majority of them (including a big basset hound) were more than excited to see a friendly human and barked with need of attention. All dogs that was, except a small black lab mix who just sat there looking at me with these big brown eyes. Touched by how the dog chose to interact with me.. I asked the attendant to see the puppy.
The four month old puppy and I went out to the yard and had a few minutes together. I looked into the dogs eyes and asked her if she wanted me to take me home, and if she thought that I was the appropriate human for her. She responded with longing and love and in her own little way, said that she was the dog for me. So, I promised to her that I would be the best dog owner I could be for her. I signed her papers, paid my fee and loaded my jeep up with this adorable black puppy. She laid out on the back bench seat and slept all the way home to Savannah while I called my mom to tell her their was a new addition to my household.
First thing upon arriving in Savannah, was to make a run out to PetSmart to get the much needed leash, water bowl, etc. On the way in everyone just made such a fuss over the puppy... but when asked what her name was... I never really gave them a straight answer as she didn't have a name yet. Then, while walking down one aisle to get puppy food, I came across this girl and her mom who also, made a fuss over the puppy. I told the little girl that I had just gotten the dog that afternoon and she didn't have a name yet. The little girl then informed me that she had gotten a doll that afternoon (and showed me the doll) and decided to name the doll Annabelle. I liked the name Annabelle (secretly I had been rolling over naming the dog Anna during the ride home and seeing that the girl had named her doll that, solidified the name for me) and so I asked the girl if it would be okay for me to name my dog Annabelle as well? The little girl's face just beamed with excitement and she went over to tell her mom.
And thusly, Anna became her name.
And thusly, Anna became my dog.
Later that evening I had plans to go to a Superbowl party... and I did go. But as I would do for several years later when the dates fall on the same days... depart early so that I can go home and fix my best friend a nice steak dinner.
Anna likes playing in the snow...
and loves looking emo...
So sweet! I didn't realize our pups shared a name! Happy Coming Home Day!