But did anyone else catch last night's episode of the Biggest Loser and stop and think to yourself...
Jillian Michaels....
in a pool.....
(and then have your mind drift off to someplace better suited for the imagination)?
No? No one else?
Okay, maybe it was just me then.
Anyways, slowly I find myself coming around almost full tilt to Team Jillian. Even though for the longest time I considered myself to be a strong advocate for Team Bob (with his arm tats, smile, and cute little scruffy beard -sigh-)... it was during last seasons finale when - not really paying attention to the TV- I caught a glimpse of Jillian yelling at someone and something clicked. All of the sudden, this urge came over me and I thought to myself.... "hmmm, I want Jillian yelling at me like that." And no, I'm not talking about Jillian yelling encouraging words to me while working out at the gym.
Where prior I looked at Jillian with a suspicious glance and gave her the amount of space I'd naturally give a ravenous tiger who wanted to eat me for dinner, I now find myself actually searching the internet for the best pictures of Jillian. I especially like the ones of her wearing that worn in low cut v-neck t-shirt she seems to be wearing so much recently, but not that I've been paying attention or anything.
In fact, I don't really watch TV.... but people that I spend a fair amount of time with do, and their favorite show happens to be one that I don't mind watching. Not only is the Biggest Loser full of positive energy and messages about getting in shape, feeling better about yourself and eating better, we get to look at Jillian and Bob for most of the time. And, as someone who grew up watching the soap opera Days of Our Lives (I stopped watching after that one lady got buried alive and then that other lady got possessed and her eyes glowed green), how can one not enjoy seeing Sammy (Alison Sweeny) as well?
Speaking of Days of Our Lives.... apparently Jillian recently did a cameo on the soap staring as... well, herself!
It's kinda funny....(2:50).
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