This is Bob Harper.
I want his beard.
Honestly, (I must be on a stint with confessions recently), but as I've said before... I have beard envy. If I was a dude, I would be all about the fun of well groomed facial hair. I know guys kinda get the short end of the stick sometimes when it comes to hair as they are easily criticized for having too much hair or not enough, but really.... there are so many styles of facial hair to choose from. Big bushy it might as well be a scarf or a well waxed handlebar mustache, the dudes have soo many options.
Anyways, I've always been on the look out for the perfect ideal beard for me and last month while "The Biggest Loser" was on over at a friends house I walked by the TV and stopped:
"Woah, who's that?" I asked.
"No. not the chick who looks like she would eat me if given the chance, I'm talking about the cute guy with the perfect beard night next to her!!!"
I mean really, look at this:
Pretty cute eh?
I did it, I found it, my ideal beard and it belongs to Bob Harper a trainer on the Biggest Loser TV show. I mean, look at it (his beard), it's great. It has that "just past the 5 o'clock shadow not really maintained but you know it's groomed really well and very intentional" look to it. Light, scruffy, cute, outdoorsy, it's cute and very handsome (those abs of his don't hurt either).
Anyways, if you're a fan of Bob Harper, working out, eating healthy, or just his beard, you should check out his website where he has training tips, tools, and best of all... videos.
As well, if you're a fan of beards (there is a great visual pun on that last link)... then you should check out this video from the world beard growing championship (there is also a swell website for Beard Team USA which competed in the competition that you should check out).
And speaking of beards and lumberjacks and flannel, this is a photo I recently came across that is awesome for all sorts of reasons:
#1: Lumberjacks
#2: nice beards (see description above)
#3: plaid
#4: flannel
#5: the girl in the middle is wearing a shirt from Timber (which the shirt depicts lumber barons standing on a tree stump)
#6: I live in Stumptown
Okay, the last reason doesn't really have anything to do with the image... but what I'd like to explain to you is the awesomeness of Timber, the art collective. I'm not really sure about the "idea" of Timber (apparently there is a story or comic in the works... but there is something to it) but they have a shop on esty where I bought one of my most favorite t-shirts ever:
Lumberjack!, axe!, beard and mustache on an American Apparel shirt - score!!!
And, according to their website, apparently you can find their work in the upcoming book "Tees: the art of the T-Shirt", which is apparently available starting tomorrow, at booksellers everywhere.
What's even more awesome is that in regards to another topic I've discussed recently as well, the idea of living with less, Timber t-shirts come into play. In another posting of mine, I discussed blogger Dave Bruno, who challenged himself to live with only 100 things. In his blog he listed all 100 items and #54 on the list is a t-shirt from these Timber guys. I think if I were to limit the amount of items I stuff in my house, I'd definatly keep around their shirt. That's love right there. Also, when I bought a t from them, they also threw in a cool little sticker which I slapped on my bike (so, if you're ever wondering what's up with the lumberjack on my bike... there you go.)
And speaking of love, one concert that I went to this summer that I absolutely loved was the No Depression Festival in Seattle. While I went mainly to see Sera Cahoone and Gillian Welch belt out some music, much like this guy (who photographed all the beards he came across)... I enjoyed looking at all the beards and plaid shirts in attendance. Apparently, beards are the new black. Man I swear, sometimes dudes have all the luck.
And... while I'm at it, hundreds of lucky dudes around the world are taking part in Movember. Not only to celebrate facial hair, but to help raise funds and awareness for men's health issues like prostate and testicular cancer. Basically, starting Sunday, November 1st, freshly shaven dudes start growing mustaches and keep em going all month long earning support from their friends in the form of donations, which then go to support men's health. Watch their educational and informative video below:
Can't grow a mo but still want to help?... buy a t-shirt (it's all about the t-shirts these days eh?). Portland t-shirt company No Star is selling mustache themed shirts and will donate 10% of their sales towards the cause.
Okay. I think that's enough obsession over facial hair for one day.