Friday, November 20, 2009
it's not that i'm picky or anything
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I love people making fun of Portland
If there is one thing I love, it's Portland. If there's another thing I love... it's people making fun of Portland.
I say this because in order to make fun of something well, most of the time you have to love it enough to understand how you can make fun of it. And, most of the time the joking is true, based on fact, and well deserved.
New York City, the center of the world
I find that New Yorkers especially, have a love hate relationship with Portland. Take for example, on any given day you can find an article on Portland in the NY Times. My brother, who lives in Manhattan is frustrated by this "Portlandness" and how all anyone ever seems to be talking about is Portland. I rack his frustration up to all his life, he only wanted to live in New York. And, he shared this dream with many people.... it was THE DREAM. To move from small town USA and go to the Big City, the Big Apple, the Center of the Universe and make it work. So many people have shared that dream, so many people have lived that dream, so many people have been disappointed by that dream. But, New Yorkers ... love New York City; even if they hate it, they love to hate it. They have such pride in their city. Everyone in the world wants to come to New York. New York is the shit. So, to seemingly wake up one day and have everyone in New York talking about this tiny little city on the outskirts of the country is laughable. "Where are their tall buildings?" New Yorkers ask. "Where is the culture, the diversity, the subway, the commerce, the industry, the Yankees? It is no where to be found in Portland. Pfft!" So, they brush it off. But still, the talk continues and next thing they know their friends are talking about Portland. Oh, how much everyone loves Portland and wants to visit or even worse.... move there. And, this confuses and frustrates the New Yorker. Suddenly, it seems as if their has been a cultural shift and the world is changing? Since when did people pick tiny rainy Portland over New York? Everyone wants to come to New York? Right guys? I'm right with this? Aren't I?
The thing about Portland is that we have pride in our city in the same way that New Yorkers have pride in their city. However, unlike most of America, we don't want the "bigness of it all" and we don't really want to be in NYC. New Yorkers have a hard time understanding why anyone living in a metropolitan area would not strive to want to be like New York. New Yorkers do not understand where this love comes from. So, they visit. And then - they see. They may not fully understand since we don't have a huge baseball team like the Yankees or buildings over 33 floors high, but...they see we have our own culture and out own things we get excited about in that same fashion. And - then they get jealous and then, they make fun (cause that's what New Yorkers do). And, that's okay with me.
Portland, not the center of the world but that's okay with us.
Take for example Portland and our love for all things bike related. A lot of people love to make fun of this obsession, and one of those people is the guy who runs the infamous blog, Bike Snob NYC. The Bike Snob, who's true identity is unknown, writes an almost daily review of personal rants of the cycling world. Most of these jabs attack hipsters, Portland, wanna be hipsters, celebrities, naive commuters, Portland, Lance Armstrong, fixed gear riders (see hipsters), and Portlanders. Some folks get their panties in a wad and wonder where his hate comes from or what short fixie handlebar is shoved up his ass.... but mostly I just laugh. For the most part, he's right about a lot of things when it comes to Portlanders and our bikes.
Take for example, he made fun of us this summer when the Flaming Lips came to town to shoot a video featuring naked cyclists (watch that video here) which was also about the same time that Michael Jackson died, the Bike Snob said that only in Portland: "people sit poised and ready to mobilize the second anybody needs anything ridiculous and cycling-related to be done. As I understand it, it works like this: Let's say, for example, an aging rock band needs to draw attention to itself inexpensively due to both the moribund state of the record industry and its own increasing hoariness. Well, this is easy to do if the band knows four things: 1) Hipsters pay attention to anything having to do with bikes; 2) Nudity always gets attention; 3) People in Portland love to ride bikes; 4) People everywhere will do anything to get attention. So what the rock band then does is notify the cycling authorities in Portland, who in turn sound a giant air raid siren that can be heard for miles on both sides of the Willamette River. Then, everyone reports to a designated area with their bicycles for debriefing. Orders can range from "Ride your bikes around dressed as Michael Jackson," to "Let's help someone move to a new apartment," to "Let's get naked to help The Flaming Lips sell music." (In this case, they were quite literally "de-briefed.") Whatever the cause, these ever-agreeable Portlanders are happy to oblige." Which, is actually very close to the truth as to what goes on here.
Also very close to the truth for Portland as well... is how he so vividly explains our love (as we are mostly hipsters and cyclocross racers here) for beer. "Like any moody and insecure person, I enjoy consuming alcoholic beverages to assuage my angst, facilitate my social interaction, and enter into a pleasant state of intoxication. Even so, I'm not sure why cyclists--in particular "hipsters" and cyclocross racers--get so wildly excited about beer. "Team Beer;" beer hand-ups; beer hand-downs; PBR; references to PBR; waxing poetic about "craft ales;" incessant Belgian beer references; and so on. The way people act you'd think beer was something that was around only a few days a year, like cherry blossoms, as opposed to something you can buy and consume whenever you feel like it. (Sure, I suppose some fixed-gear riders are underage, but most of the people getting carried away about beer are like 35.) Again, I like beer, but I like toilet paper too--in fact, you often buy it in the same place you buy beer, and like beer you feel good after you use it--but you don't see people whooping about it and handing rolls of Marcal (the PBR of toilet paper) to people on run-ups."
It doesn't take someone more than to go to one cross race here to see that this is indeed the truth, we do love beer and we like making things that make beer easier to consume. But Bike Snob.... you are not the only one with a shared love and affection for toilet paper, I too share that view which is why most of my family are getting the Charmin Double Ply Biggie Roll 12-Pack this holiday season. I mean, it's the gift that really does keep giving.
And, cross. My goodness, we Portlanders seem to be obsessed as much with our cross races as we are with our beer - true true true. Why, if halloween dress up cross crusades weren't enough, if single speed cyclocross world championships and the thunderdome weren't enough.... this week you can even enter the dog cycle cross races. See, that's another thing we're obsessed about, our dogs. True story, before the upcoming cross races out at Kruger's Farm this Sunday will feature a race prior to the other races where owners will race with their dogs on the course. There is even a special category for "carry-on and lap dogs as well as clydesdale".
And, not surprising, Bike Snob had this to say:
"Proving once again that they are far more advanced than the rest of the country when it comes to anything involving cycling, they are now augmenting their cyclocross with actual dog racing. This is great news for Portlanders and their dirty, hairy, smelly sidekicks (as well as for their dogs), though it's awful news for the rest of us. Portland cyclocross racers are already smug enough about how much muddier their races are than everyone else's; now on top of that they're going to start feeling superior to people who aren't forced to race through post-dog race waste. Soon struggling though knee-deep mud won't be enough to qualify a 'cross race as "epic;" you'll also need to face-plant into the feces of a Great Dane... This should mean every cyclocross-related forum on the Internet is going to be hijacked by "epic" threads about the proper technique for "portaging" a Yorkie.The only real winner here is the pet industry, since dog ownership in Portland will surely double when everyone rushes to acquire a spare "pit dog." (Pit bulls, incidentally, make excellent pit dogs.)"
Nothing says cross better than boots, beer, and dogs. This is an ironclad pup.
True, true.... all true. We are smug about most of these things and I think that as long as we stay on our bikes and help push that forward thinking momentum to create, innovate, and envoke change... that we can still stay on top of our game. I mean... look at this breakdown on urban cycling from GOOD Magazine:
And, not to make this post go on longer than it has already.... but, while we're on the much beloved subject of "hipsters", I love the Bike Snob's description of them: "the essence of the "hipster" lifestyle is doing everything that real rock stars do except for actually being creative and having talent. Sleeping in, dressing up, getting sleeve tattoos, drinking heavily, doing drugs, making videos, and keeping your followers abreast of the minutiae of your day are all a lot easier when you don't actually have to produce anything. This is not to say it's completely effortless, though. Maintaining your image can be a full-time job, as can staying abreast of the trends".
Which brings about this video which has been making the rounds on the internets this week:
Anyways world... when it comes to making fun of Portland... bring it on.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
shameless plug
Friday, November 13, 2009
don't think I haven't noticed....
Monday, November 9, 2009
gleeful anticipation.
It is with eager anticipation that I await my first snowboarding trip of the season this upcoming weekend (this past week saw the first substantial dumping of snow in the Cascades). Normally, the resorts on Mt. Hood don't have enough snow or chilly weather to open till after Thanksgiving, but not this year my friends. Thank you mother nature! This year, I went in with some friends and purchased a Mt. Hood Meadows Season pass which I am greatly looking forward to using. Last year, I had purchased a Timberline/Ski Bowl Fusion pass.... but I think this year my skills have progressed enough that I'm fully ready to put myself to the test on Meadows more challenging and diverse terrain.
I remember my first visit to Meadows, it was last year and my friend Julie was treating me to a late birthday gift of a day on the mountain. The night prior was my friend Heather's birthday and I probably celebrated a bit too much during beer pong (but I was crowned beer pong Champion) and dancing. Anyways, needless to say I overslept and what resulted was a very awkward and amusing awakening for everyone involved ;). Also, some other friends -new friends- were making their way to Meadows that day too and once again... it was just awkward all around. Well, the conditions that day were crap... crap crap crap. Sleeting, horizontal snow that stung your face in the 30mph winds. In fact, the weather was so bad 2/3 of the people on the mountain left after lunch time. Julie and I decided to stay and boy were we in for a treat. After lunch, the winds died down and we got dumped on... we're talking a feet or so of fresh powder in about an hour.
Anyways, to celebrate the powder, Julie and I ventured onto the black diamonds. What had prior been icy steep slopes were covered in sweet, sweet, white powder goodness. I don't think I've ever been so happy, I laid down some of the prettiest turns I've ever laid down, spraying fresh powder with every turn. Ah, it was so, so, so amazing. And, what made it even better is that while going down one of the runs, folks from the chairlift over head yelled "YEEEAH!" for us as we passed beneath. Their gleeful cheers sang my soul out loud.
It was on that day that I was convinced that there was a God, and.... I walk with him, and I talk with him, and we go snowboarding together in his creations. it's kinda fun.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
my school, my town, my home
It is with great sadness that I mark the passing of my old High School and former haunting grounds back home in Ohio. The 2009 school year was the last graduating class to to roll through those doors and roam those halls and now the school is being demolished... bit by bit and piece by piece. The new high school lies on the outskirts of town... away from the heart and soul of the town I once knew.
My mom taught Home Ec at Hillsboro High School for 34 years, in the same room located at the back at the end of the main hallway of the new building. To get there, you'd walk past the office, past the teachers lounge, past rooms filled for the knowledge of English, Spanish, and Social Studies and past the art room. Just past her room was the tunnel that led to the old building, the cafeteria, the gym, the locker rooms, the old shop class, and the Jr. High.
Throughout my youth, my mother would often bring my brother and I to the school after hours or during the summer when she had work to do or home ec. groceries to drop off. I remember those times when the hallways being dark, cool, and oddly - empty of chatter. My brother and I would commonly race each other down the hallways, up the stairs and often go explore the nooks and crannies of the building. I think by the time I graduated, I had found every secret passage way, crawl space, and hiding spot in that building. My brother, as a freshman in high school, even redesigned the senior courtyard which lay at the heart of the campus. Walking between classes over those bricks engraved with the names of people who have walked these grounds as well, always made me smile and think of David. To me the high school wasn't just a building where I spent the 8th-12th grade years of my life... it was so much deeper than that. And I think if it's hard for me to see it go... I can't imagine what it's like for my mom. I hate the fact when she drives the two miles from our house to downtown, she won't be passing by the grand old high school anymore that was her home away from home for 34 years... she'll be passing by an empty lot.
My town has changed. Naturally the whole world growing up used to revolve around my little corner of town; my home is the last home on the last street on the west side of town, right off Route 50. Across the street from my hill is the Diary Queen. Right next to that was the Stock Yards. Go into town from there and you pass the pool... where I spent almost every day of my summers growing up (when not at the ball park, at camp, or forced to stay home and work on my 4-H projects). I even worked there as a lifeguard once I was old enough. A few blocks away from the pool was the Library and the High School. Down the street from the High School was the other Stock Yards. A few blocks away from the High School was the Elementary School. A few blocks away from that was the Grocery Store and then the bank where my dad worked. Everything was so centrally located, so compact, so walkable, bikeable, and liveable. Tree lined streets with old houses that had been stops on the underground railway nestled right in the thick of down town, close to it all, close to the action.
What is left now? The stock yards are gone, the downtown schools are all gone. Things that seem to be taking their place are Wal Marts, Burger Kings, Taco Bells, Dollar Trees, and Dress Barns. They all line the roads that lead to the next county, things that provide for you on your way out of town. The true heart and the soul of the city is gone, it's been replaced by cheap everyday crap, the same things that line every mid sized town all across the Midwest. Nothing sets us apart... nothing makes us different anymore. It saddens me to go home. It pains me to see store front after store front empty. I know my parents have been active in the community and they care. My dad while on City Council and the Festival of the Bells Committee worked damn hard to keep things thriving. But, there is only so much you can do.
I am not looking forward to seeing the remnants when I return for the holidays.
All these photos come from a great set on flickr that someone shot during the auction for things that were in the school. Check them out and remember the magic of the little details that you forgot.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
To Whomever Gets My Dog: a story
To: Whomever Gets My Dog --
He knows hand signals: "back" to turn around and go back when you put your hand straight up; and "over" if you put your hand out right or left. "Shake" for shaking water off, and "paw" for a high-five. He does "down" when he feels like lying down - I bet you could work on that with him some more. He knows "ball" and "food" and "bone" and "treat" like nobody's business. I trained Reggie with small food treats. Nothing opens his ears like little pieces of hot dog. Feeding schedule: twice a day, once about seven in the morning, and again at six in the evening. See, my parents are gone, I have no siblings, no one I could've left Tank with... and it was my only real request of the Army upon my deployment to Iraq, that they make one phone call to the shelter... in the "event"... to tell them that Tank could be put up for adoption. Luckily, my colonel is a dog guy, too, and he knew where my platoon was headed. He said he'd do it
"So whatdaya say we play some ball?" His ears perked again. |